Our web site offering for Family Surname History Products using the Hall of Names engine.
Founded in 1988, Hall of Names Family Surname History software is featured in over 300 locations worldwide.
Founded in 1968, has designed products for Municipal and Community clients throughout Canada.
Kingpins.net + Pinscentral.com, provide custom made and stock emblems from lapel pins to challenge coins.
This site provides a wide range of consumer products using our Hall of Names software.
By 2015, this site had over 5 million unique visitors per month. Many schools and universities link to our site directly for their student’s family research.
This site sells Surname Histories and Coats of Arms in print format, as well as downloadable digital products in PDF or JPG formats.
Also available: Golf Shirts, Hoodies and T-shirts; Ball Caps and Tote Bags; Coffee Mugs, Beer Steins and Tiles; all imprinted with a Coat of Arms.
Extracts of our surname research are available on-line, with extensive links to our knowledge base.
Visit sitefounded in 1988
Research and software development is all done under one roof, this ensures total support of every licensee whether the location is at Sauchiehall Street in Glasgow, Scotland or in Sydney, Australia
Regular Updates are provided by downloads. With the click of a mouse, your local system automatically downloads and installs the latest software and dbase records
Fast, efficient and pleasure to use.
Let's face it, computers are often a challenge. Our support team helps you make our software work by using software like TeamViewer to "remote desktop" into your local computer to fix the issues that arise from time to time.
Founded in 1968, this company has designed products for Municipal and Community clients throughout Canada.
International Coats of Arms has designed products for Municipal and Community clients throughout Canada. Our design service portfolio includes custom designed Badges, Coins, Medallions, Medals, and thousands of Promotional Items from Key Chains to Temporary Tattoos.
Clients include: Emergency Service Teams; Fire Departments; First Nations Peoples; Municipal Governments; Museums; Parks; Police Services; Schools, Colleges & Universities; and Tourism Groups
Visit siteKingpins.net, Kingpins.ca, Pinscentral.com and Pinscentral.ca provide custom and stock metal products to North America.
Servicing the American and European market with custom pins, medallions, coins and challenge coins.
Visit siteServicing the American and European market with in-stock awareness, flag and theme pins.
Visit siteServicing the Canadian market with custom pins, medallions, coins and challenge coins.
Visit SiteServicing the Canadian market with in-stock awareness, flag and theme pins.
Visit siteSince BBB's rating inception, the BBB has awarded Swyrich the A+ Rating every year.
We are one of the few companies that offer a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee on all our custom and stock products. Accordingly, our quality is second to none and customer satisfaction is proven by our BBB rating.
Our return rate for all our companies is less than 2% and considering over 95% of what we sell is custom made, we have a proven innovative quality standard.
Swyrich over the years.
Our continuing commitment to this program brings the revised total to 50,165 trees, as of March 31st.
March 31Once again, HouseofNames achieved record sales for the year despite COVID lockdown in the first quarter.
DecemberIntroduced a new initiative by designing and donating 50% of sales of our Orange Heart – Indigenous Support lapel pins to the Legacy of Hope Foundation. As of March 2022 we were able to donate $239.50.
JanuaryOur continuing commitment brings the revised total to 45,824 trees, as of June 30th.
June 30thDespite the challenges of COVID-19, HouseofNames achieved record sales for the 2021 year.
December 31Our continuing commitment to this important program, our new total is 40,053 trees, as of March 31.
April 2ndDespite the challenges of COVID-19, HouseofNames achieved record sales for the first quarter of 2021.
March 31Second quarter results are in. Despite the many challenges of COVID-19, Swyrich added another 968 trees in the second quarter in our continuing commitment bringing the total to 37,710.
JulyRecords sales achieved for 2019 led by our HallofNames licensing, Kingpins.ca and HouseofNames sales groups
DecemberWe have now planted over 35,000 trees across Canada.
DecemberGrowing again! Main office moved to a larger and more comfortable space (almost double in size) with accessibility, ergonomics and staff comfort in mind. All staff have sit-stand desks in the new facility with an adjoining distribution center. Through TreeCanada, we have broken the 32,000 mark of trees planted through Canada.
AugustOur popular surname and firstname history web site now sports a new cleaner look providing easier reading for all our visitors.
SpringSwyrich has now planted over 25,000 trees across Canada through donations of over $100,000.
SpringEstablished in 1968, this year marks our 50th anniversary serving Canadian municipalities and public safety officials. In celebration of this milestone, a new responsive website is launched.
YearNew Bootstrap responsive webs sites are released for Kingpins.net, Kingpins.ca, Pincentral.com, Pinscentral.ca, HallofNames.com and Swyrich.com. Blog.hallofnames.com is launched
SpringRecord annual sales achieved by HouseofNames.com, International Coats of Arms and Kingpins. Hall of Names releases three patches over the year.
YearFall: Ivanhoe Final is released – with Window 8™ support. Spring: Ivanhoe RC1 is released – with Vista™ and Windows 7™ support.
YearHall of Names software now has over 300 world-wide licensees. For the past year, Houseofnames.com has had over 100,000 unique visitors per week.
YearFor the second year running, Swyrich Corporation earns a place on the Honour Roll of the Better Business Bureau. To qualify for this honour, the BBB member must be a BBB Accredited Business for at least five years and have no complaints for the previous calendar year.
YearHall of Names Version 8 is released – an upgrade with a Vista support. Swyrich earns TRUSTe® certification.
YearHall of Names launches WebStore – a free customizable online Store for all Hall of Names licensees.
YearSwyrich sells over 2.8 million lapel pins for the year!
YearPinscentral online store was launched to meet the growing need for in-stock lapel pins.
YearHouseofNames.com launched!
YearThe Hall of Names Software Release 4, in April, introduced 400,000 fullcolor Coats of Arms, which could be printed on regular paper as a stand-alone product or in combination with a surname history using an inkjet printer (HP1000c).
YearKingpins.net was added to the Swyrich family of companies to properly brand our high-quality custom lapel pins in the American market place.
YearSwyrich enters into several partnerships to allow the use of our clipart and surname histories, which is incorporated into CorelDraw® 7 and Corel Family Tree Suite™.
YearSwyrich Corporation is founded by David and Sherry Richardson, who move the business to Kingston, Ontario. As well as hiring researchers to continue the perpetual growth of the surname and coat of arms databases. Realizing the tremendous potential in the software market, they began the challenge of digitizing the Coats of Arms library into clip art that can be used with the new Windows operating system. One of the results of this labourious task is the collection of high quality Coats of Arms now included in the Hall of Names and House of Names product lines. Swyrich buys International Coats of Arms.
YearJanuary: As a result of the phenominal sales, Eaton’s signs Hall of Names for 12 major locations across Canada. March: Hall of Names signs it’s first Canadian licensee. This signing would begin a flurry of licensees including licenses in the UK.
YearHall of Names Surname Histories were featured from a 40 square foot location at the main Eaton’s store in Toronto for the ten days before Christmas. Sales: $36,000.
YearHall of Names is founded in Toronto, Canada, researching family surnames.
YearAfter a very successful appearance at Expo’67, Mr. Tunstall opens a business named International Coats of Arms on Yonge Street in Toronto, Canada. This would become a long-standing company rich in heraldic tradition and design, serving thousands of consumers and municipalites in Canada. Staff artists designed Coats of Arms and logos for countless organizations and companies – many are still in use today.
YearEach Canadian sale plant trees
Trees Planted as of: Sunday, March 31, 2024
Over the years, we have donated to charities in Kingston, Ontario, and to various sporting groups throughout Canada.
For many years, Swyrich has been a concert sponsor for the Cantabile Choirs of Kingston.
More recently, Swyrich continues to annually donate to Kingston's Choral Society as well as the Melos Choir.
Swyrich is proudly supporting Kingston's first inclusive playground by donating to the Inclusive Play Project.
This organization was founded by Rachel Doornekamp, and has been push into the development by the passionate community members.
"An inclusive playground allows children and adults of all abilities to play together and creates a fun, nurturing environment for everyone."
Learn more about the playground and organization by visiting the Inclusive Play Project: www.inclusiveplayproject.com
In 2024, Swyrich became a sponsor of the Train Room located at the PumpHouse Museum in Kingston.
The PumpHouse is home to a stunning collection of model trains that is located in the Swyrich Train Room, as well as numerous additional permanent and temporary exhibition spaces to tell the story of Kingston's first water pumping station. www.kingstonpumphouse.ca/exhibitions/model-trains
Since February 1, 2013, we have allocated a percentage of each Canadian sale to reforest throughout Canada.
Our first planting took take place in 2014. By March 2017, we had planted over 20,000 trees. By March 2018, we had broken the 25,000 mark with donations of over $100,000.
By the end 2022, we had planted over 50,000 trees through donations of over $200,000.
This program is very dear to our hearts and is now particularly important due to the wildfires that have plagued Canada.
In spring 2022, we launched our new ongoing lapel pin initiative. We designed and continue to sell our Orange Heart – Indigenous Support lapel pins, with 50% of the sales donated to an Indigenous-led charitable organization named the Legacy of Hope Foundation.
Swyrich is honoured to support this foundation with it’s directive of being, "to educate and raise awareness about the history and existing intergenerational impacts of the Residential School System and subsequent Sixties Scoop on Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit, and Métis) Survivors, their descendants, and their communities to promote healing and Reconciliation."
To help support this initiative, please view our lapel pin
Or learn more about Legacy of Hope Foundation here
In 2012 Swyrich received the “Outstanding or Innovative Sponsorship” National Award from the Association of Canadian Choral Communities.
With two of our staff playing for a team in Kingston Hockey League Swyrich was quick to offer their support for the team.
Scotties Curling BC 2012 – Provincial championship held at North Shore Winter Club hosted by 2012 BC Scotties, a community event trying to make a difference.
A proud Canadian company serving the world market.
Every service and product that we provide is backed by a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Considering 95% of our products are custom made, quality of product and service is essential.
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Hall of Names and La Maison de Noms are registered trademarks of Swyrich.